Wednesday, December 21, 2005


man.. the bass guitar is a pretty cool invention. i suppose i gotta get better at it, but it supplies all sorts of motion and groove to a song. you can phrase things just by letting notes ring, or choking it off.
its got a powerful impetus.

anyhow, i think this is the first song with bass.. 'Ponys' it's got everything to do with two local bands, Cicada Omega and Hillstomp.. they both have the open-tuned distorted slide guitar figured out, which is a pretty awesome noise. so i asked Barry (cicada) about it one day and he told me the tunings and such, and i went home and eventually got this. i've put slide guitar on all sorts of songs, but this lick was written around open strings and such.. so it's a more officiail attempt.

did i mention it has bass guitar?

'cause it does.

it also has a few open tuned acoustic guitars.. open with a slide, one without. plus some drumset.. the beginning is more open tuned guitar stuff, but different. with that toy keyboard of tonys. tonys. ponys. hmm.

it's gotta be close to the solstice about now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Favorite lyrics so far. Great tune. It makes me think of "Deadwood." Wonderful slides and guitar. Please bring it to the Revolution. This needs to be played out loud.

Best, Festus Garner