Wednesday, August 20, 2008

David Dunn vs. The Bark Beetles

David Dunn vs. The Bark Beetles

a long time ago wes called me up and left a message about David Dunn being on NPR.. and i didn't get to hear him on NPR, but i was able to use the voicemail in a song! ha!

david dunn was one of two super important professors for me back in school.. totally changed me, and the way i think about music, and art and entertainment.. on and on. i've always been a little worried that steven and david are disappointed with me and my lack of forward thinking artistic output.. and i started thinking i should do a neat arty soundscape or something, and tag the voicemail to it. and that's how this started.. it was all stretched out string bits, playing this odd slow melody.. but the more i worked on it, the more normal it got, with the guitars and that big synth bass sound.. this morning i was listening to it and decided to just say 'fuck it' to the arty soundscape plan and turn it into a Mono song.. so i played the drums to it and sealed it into a fairly typical instrumental indie-rock band song.

i saw a documentary of Mono a few months ago from Netflix, and they were pretty cool.

and i got to play the drums in a real bombastic fashion, which is always fun.. it reminds me a little of a local band called Grails, with Billy on keyboards.. they had a drummer who use these ridiculous over-the-top awesome drum fills, and you just had to pray that it landed somewhere near the 1. exciting stuff..

also, i got a picture of the studio.. it's obviously still a work in progress, but it's so much better than what i've been working with.. it might be the best ever. wow.

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