Tuesday, January 08, 2008


today isnt much of a day, it turns out.. emily and i are both a little sick, and the weather outside is grey and dismal.. even working on songs has taken a significant amount of energy and discipline, and i love working on songs.. geez.

we ended up finishing the outro for Nerd Alert episode 3 first, which is a good accomplishment.. and then moved over to another song i started yesterday, but it was a dead end.. so we switched gears completely and worked on this song, about these crazy african ants.


i've always been fascinated by ants, ever since reading Godel/Escher/Bach.. which is a pretty cool book. bottom up organization and what-not. they sorta defy explanation.

anyhow, hopefully emily and i can regroup and feel better and get a song for tomorrow conceived, recorded and put together, i feel we're always behind schedule, despite having songs everywhere. wow.

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