Saturday, November 26, 2005

the Words You Meant

today i got 'the Words You Meant'...

it started off as a joke song for Emily that was kinda like Green Day or Bright Eyes.. but then it took on a life of it's own and i had to take it kinda seriously..

it's got some topical lyrics, all about a girl and dumb stuff like that, with a few clues to cocaine abuse and demons in the past.

i ended up playing the snare drum with brushes in the kitchen on this one, really just joking around, but it came off kinda neat.. lotsa cool rolls and ruffs and such.. i sang and played guitar, then layered a banjo in there.

and to top it off: a trumpet solo!

i had tried to put a mandolin solo on there, but it was too frustrating.. i gave up gladly when emily came in, and now it has a Belle & Sebastian thing. nice.

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