Friday, January 11, 2008

Between the Fence Boards

Between the Fence Boards

in a hole between fence boards
i could see your shoulders fall
in a backyard full of defeat the earth is slowly rising
it's just the rain pretends to fall

with my ear against the sheet rock
i could hear the whole phonecall
to keep yourself from breaking down, you said -

"we're all slowly dying, we're all made to fall"

when we get back to where we came from
i'm gonna let them hear it all:
how the joy was fits & starts
why was loneliness so painful, while the loving rubbed us raw?

ahh friday.. good times. emily and i both worked today, so it was a bit of a crunch to get this done on time. luckily, she has the next two days off and is bound to do some good work.. i started this one a few days ago, with all the guitars and banjo and such. i got sad for a little bit while i worked on this song, 'cause i really wanted to put drums on the middle part.. oh well. today, while i came home for lunch i wrote the lyrics for this on top of a melody emily had.. i think it worked out kinda nice. and i really like the little acoustic guitar solo, and the crazy chimalong bit.. thanks matt! love!

now i get to drink wine and watch tv.

yeehaw, friday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That really does want the big crashing cymbal bit in there, coming out into a soft kick drum on the basement floor to finish it off, doesn't it? (read that as if you were from Grimsby, UK) Its still good. I like this whole going "weird" thing.